

scalp analyzer for API makeup mirror

scalp analyzer for API connection, IOS and Android system use. Which means all monitor installing this operation system could connect with this scalp analyzer. For hair follicle, hair density and pores block detecting and analysis.

Machine have to connect with system because giving actual report and products recommendation. The database have to compatible with matching system. After doing detecting, the capturing image feedback to database and doing analysis.

Some AI mirror or makeup mirror also using Android system. A lot people asking if could do API connection.


Scalp analyzer for API connection


There are a lot different monitor in the market. We are very confirm scalp analyzer matching for normal phone and iPad use. However, the AI mirror screen not always in same size. Even it could use but we can’t confirm the windows size and writing could perfectly matching with screen. Just like same page will always showing different on phone and computer.

Besides, also we have device for windows connection. Because different system compatible problem. Even AI mirror in windows system still working.

scalp analyzer


How to test also willing to try different system. If your AI mirror supplier also in China. Could send us sample and we do free test for you before purchase. Will showing testing result and details problem. Including video.

Besides, we have more than one scalp analyzer machine. Also have other items for Windows system use, and come with screen version. AI scanning version. scalp camera etc. Easy to  find out right version you need.


If this scalp analyzer offer any customized.


It is small value machine, we make customized basic on more quantity. Or if you have interest to develop new items together basic on some good idea.

Each model is single, and machine inside do not set encryption key. Which means easy to copy that code out and doing own development, if you know how to analysis and change the installation app and database. As supplier we will not offer original code for you. The modular design



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