

Eye bags removal machine under eyes

Eye bags removal using advantage 4KHz freqeuncy which unique on RF region. In past few years all RF machine only use max 2KHz. Freqeuncy and energy are the decision issue on treatment result. iBeier machine raise the frequency and delete mateal plate under clients back. It is a huge progress on clients feedling and comfortable.

Human impedance system is the reason to explain why same machine cause different effect on different person. Through the frequency and anti impedance system developed. It is no more an excuses to get different effect.

Eye bags removal

Eye bags removal

After 8-10 minutes work under eyes then it must remove dark circle.

  1. Eye wrinkle remove
  2. Eye bags removal
  3. Eyes dark circle removal
  4. face slimming
  5. skin rejuvenation
  6. serum delivery
Working therapy
  1. One machine come with one eyes care head and one facail care head. Eyes care head could install serum directly to do treatment. The face care head could only apply serum on facial and do treatment. It could be used on body as well.
  2. Vibration atually using ultrasonic technique could deeply reach skin SMAS. However under eyes skin with thin fatty to support skin. So we adjust energy do not come to so deep to protect skin. This working could dredge blood vessel and remove dark circles. Same as massage, it is helpful to eye bags remove, too.
  3. RF energy as proof that one of the most effective and safety beauty energy. During working could warm and release. It could not only help for eyes around skin treatment. But also makes brain comfortable. It is main technique to remove eye wrinkles, also it is working well to dark circle and eye bags. Once come to facial treatment, it is a skin rejuvenation energy.
Power adjust

Vibration energy and RF energy with different level could be adjusted. Do not worried about energy hurt skin or feel uncomfortable. Machine both work on beauty salon and personal home. So the energy adjust use seperatly controller. Both machine and the controller could do this operation.



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