

hyaluron pen for sale

Hyaluron pen for sale sources from: https://specialicon.com/

Electronic hyaluron pen which means do not need to add pressure by hands.

Without needle insert but using high pressure push filler into deeper skin layer could reduce skin pain and hurt.

hyaluron pen for sale

Filler wasted is one of the biggest problem for needless mesogun usage. All hyaluronic acid filler material very expensive in the market.

Electronic model could accurate set total filler capacity and each shot dosage. Without any dosage waste.

On the other hand, auto working do not need to add pressure for each shooting. It is more convenient for treatment, also keep injection more stable.

Each shot skin could feel same pressure, dosage delivery average and stable.

Pressure pushing different as needle insert only deliver liquid on one location, liquid pressure more average on all treatment location

hyaluron pen for sale

About setting

Body and face: body could come to deeper skin layer. Facial and lips filler all use Face option

Total dose: electronic HA pen using 0.3 ml ampules, total dose capacity max 3 ml

Dose: each shot dosage, could select 0.1 – 0.7. For example, if total serum is 30, setting each shot dosage 5, in total support 6 times shooting. After filler finish have to install again. Without any waste.

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