

hair scalp injection machine

Hair scalp injection machine like derma shine pro and hycoox injector all working with needle. Those needle able to carry dosage into deeper skin layer. Needle in usual for both facial and facial use. But machine vacuum setting for different. For facial treatment, need to use stronger vacuum suction so that lift skin up so that needle better insert. Also avoid dosage leakage. But for scalp injection, in usual use weak vacuum or no vacuum so that avoid hair entangled.


Hair scalp injection machine


Derma shine pro

It is classy and popular machine for facial and hair scalp injection. In usual using 9pin needle to carry beauty serum into deeper skin layer. General dosage all available. The vacuum power could be adjusted. During work on facial need to set high vacuum so that lift skin up and avoid dosage waste. But for scalp injection, should adjust vacuum to smallest so that avoid tangled hair.


Hycoox injector

Hycoox support more functional injection. And have special scalp injection function as selection. The vacuum function could be turn off. Even sticky serum could injected by hycoox because the stronger motor.


Angus injector

There are two versions handle. Could install actual needle insert handles or nano needle. Especially the nano magnetic needle. The special magnetic install way do not like screw type. Could moving on scalp directly because needle working up and down do not cause scratch. Which means no tangled hair as well. Besides, a lot dosage in the market more suitable work with nano mesotherapy.

hair scalp injection machine

Needle consumables for scalp injector


According to different dosage use, could select actual needle pin insert or nano needle. But for above injector machine, all using actual needle such as 9pin needle. Liquid type dosage could all passing through those needle. Needle length adjustable. Also support settle depth like 1.0mm or 1.2mm.





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