

derme shine pro and derma shine pro

Derme shine pro and derma shine pro actually are same machine but different version. Relative to the trademark and production. So only original machine could use derma shine pro as trademark. China version mostly use derme shine pro. provide both machine and consumables. And continuous provide services.


Derme shine pro


Some times it written as Derme Shine dro as well. All similar label as original but keep it different. It is for beauty serum delivery with vacuum. The technique, screen control and treatment purpose would same as original version. But cut price less than a half.


Derma shine pro


It is original 3rd generation machine for injection. Original from Korea with great painting and better motor. Even sticky serum could injected by this machine. Besides, by fitting 9in needle could avoid leakage and save treatment cost in long term use.

For beauty clinic, according to budget and serum use could find out fitting version.

derme shine pro



Two machine using same needle and fitting. The control system all the same just label different. Which means the machine connection tube and all accessories would be same.

In order to protect label, original machine handle machinery with ID code, same as machine motor ID code. Only machine and handle ID matching could run normal. If only buy machine body or handle from us, and trying to connect with others won;t work normal. In another word, two machine accessories can’t mix, but consumables could exchange use becuase they are same.


Hycoox injector


As some clients feedback they have dermshine already, but wondering if necessary to have hycoox injector as well. Those are all injection machine, but hycoox injector have widly function such as scalp injection, botox and PRP injection etc. Also provide sticky level options. So if you have more treatment purpose, and use sticky serum, hycoox may be better options.

If just for facial treatment, have one of them would be enough.




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