
Aesthetic beauty equipmentNews

Dermashine pro for scalp injection and facial treatment

Dermashine pro for scalp injection and facial treatment. The treatment purpose is transfer serum into deeper skin by needle. Machine as a tool use to deliver serum. The actual benefits depending on serum treatment purpose. Such as hair growth serum inject on scalp for hair follicle treatment. The peptide acid and hyaluronic acid for facial pigment remove and hydrating.


Dermashine pro for scalp injection


The dermashine pro vacuum power could be adjusted so that fitting different area treatment. Not only facial, neck, body and scalp could all using dermashine to do treatment. In usual the 9pin needle with derma shine use could adjust the treatment length. Considering scalp skin thinner than other area, adjust length about 1mm could get perfect result.

During scalp treatment, adjust the vacuum to lower level on 2-4 could avoid tangled hair. The original version support very sticky serum because the strong motor giving strong power support.

derma shine pro for scalp injection

Difference between derma shine pro and hycoox injector


Hycoox injector have special scalp injection machine. But the needle very difficult to buy, the rest needle same as derma shine. Actually hycoox injector and derma shine pro have same function, and using same needle. Just hycoox make more setting on screen. Besides, following the serum viscosity level increasing, the shots calculate not always accurate.


Needle consumables


The 9pin needle is consumables should replace for each client usage. Besides, the filter should replacement as well. For normal treatment the vacuum suction will makes liquid and blood passing through filter so that protect machine. Once the filter been pollute could be see by eyes.

Some times also using settle length needle and 16pin. But after a lot testing still the adjustable 9pin needle making best result.


China version and original derma shine pro


The painting and machinery all different. Which means different machine quality but in same treatment purpose. Two machine have same treatment result. But better machine get smoother treatment and support more viscosity serum. provide full machine and consumables. Including training.


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